Co-Working Roastery

A low fidelity clickable prototype of an app for members of a co-working roasting space
to book co-working sessions and reserve seats in events.


What is a Co-Working Roastery?

My client was a local coffee roastery that will expand to be a co-working roasting space post-pandemic for hobbyists and professional roasters alike.

The Problem

Members of the space will need a quick and easy way to access their membership benefits, in particular scheduling time with the two on-site roasters and reserving seats in networking and workshop events.

The Solution

View Clickable Prototype

I presented my client with an MVP low-fidelity clickable prototype that would allow members quick and easy access to:

  • Schedule sessions with a roasters
  • View the sessions they booked
  • Reserve seats in events

My Role

UX Research

  • Field Research
  • User Interviews
  • User Personas
  • Usability Testing

UX Design

  • User Flows
  • Wireframe Sketches
  • Digital Wireframes
  • Low Fidelity Prototype

The Process

3 Tiers of Members, 3 Types of Users

My client had already created three separate membership tiers with different levels of benefits based on his market analysis.


Small batches

Occasional roasting

30 minute time slots

Sample roaster (smaller)

31 years old
St. Louis, MO


Experimenting with different roasting styles and bean origins


Roasters take up a lot of space and money

signature MEMBERS

10-25 lb batches

Semi-regular roasting

3 hour time slots

Production roaster

36 years old
Marketing Manager
St. Louis, MO


Start selling to a larger market than friends and family


Limited time

mercantile MEMBERS

25+ lb batches

Regular roasting

4 hour time slots

Production roaster

42 years old
Coffee Shop Owner
St. Louis, MO


Develop a signature coffee line for his cafe


Roasters take up a lot of space and money

I selected Dave (the signature tier persona) as my primary user. Why?

  • Designing for a signature member forced me to factor in all potential complications
  • The “Dave”s of the world would need the easiest and most efficient process, as they are juggling a host of other responsibilities in their lives

The Path of Least Resistance

With Dave in mind as the primary user, I built out a user flow focusing on minimizing the number of new screens he would have to interact with.  As I started to sketch, however, I soon learned that…

The Devil is in the Details

In my first sketches, my intention was to bring users to a home page that would allow them to quickly see when roasters would be available.

Round 1 of home screen sketches: Crazy 8’s

It quickly became clear that this solution would not be ideal for Dave. The home screen was cluttered, and delivered far more information than Dave would need.

The lightbulb moment for me? I had used the wrong source material for inspiration.

I was looking at calendar apps for best practices, which are designed to allow users to schedule anything. I needed to look at the best practices of booking apps.

Back to the Drawing Board

After two more rounds of crazy 8’s, I had enough material to start wireframing again.

Round 2 of home screen sketches: Crazy 8’s

Home Screen Round 2

Book a Session Form Round 2

View/Edit Bookings Round 2

Now this was more like it. With a few more rounds of feedback and tweaks to the layout to focus the design, I was ready to start prototyping.

Old School

I started with a quick paper prototype, to get a feel for how all of the major screens would work together. Once I had a handle on the overall flow, it was time to digitize my designs and get testing!

So What Did I Learn?

Choose the Right Source Material!

Think long and hard about exactly what function your app serves before looking for inspiration, lest you pick a source of inspiration that doesn’t illustrate best practices for your app’s functionality.

Sketches Really Do Push Your Work Farther.

In going through 3 rounds of crazy 8’s, I managed to push past my first ideas and iterate rapidly. In the end, my project was better for the amount of time I put into examining many different possibilities up front.

Usability Testing is a Goldmine.

Without my usability tests, I never would have uncovered some of the issues that my users illuminated for me. My testers were thorough and thoughtful in their feedback, and there’s no better gift than that.

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